5 Tips for Writing a Great Video Script

Content, content, content. It’s the buzzword on everyone’s lips right now, and there’s certainly no denying that Content is King, generating more leads than other promotional methods such as paid search and outbound marketing. What we find particularly interesting, however, is that not many businesses can really say with any certainty exactly what content marketing … Read more

The Changing Face of SEO

Search engine optimisation, or SEO for short, is something that we can’t get away from… and rightly so! SEO plays a massive part in digital growth; it’s how we make sure we’re getting seen by the right audiences, at the right time, through the right channels. But there is one big problem with SEO – … Read more

The Brit’s Guide to Writing About Yourself

Queuing. Talking about the weather. Making a good cuppa. These are all things us Brits are known to be good at – perhaps because they’re skills that capitalise on the great British virtues of being polite, quiet, and generally minding our own business. The flip side of this is that we tend to shy away … Read more